How to find Lunnevad Folkhögskola
Lunnevads college is located near Sjögestad village, between Linköping and Mjölby. It is about 20 km in either direction. If you don’t travel by car, you can go commuter train from Linkoping (8 min) and Mjölby (13 min) to Vikingstad. From Vikingstad station you take bus 574 to Lunnevad. The journey takes about 10 minutes. You can find schedules at Östgötatrafiken URL: Please note that you have to call to order the bus at least 2 hours in advance for it to go according to the schedule.
GPS coordinates are:
X: 6470092, Y: 1474083
Latitud: N 58° 21′ 12″
Longitud: E 15° 21′ 45″